24 July 2012

I do my best thinking when I'm driving

My normal morning routine on days that I have work goes a little something like this:

  • Alarm goes off at 7:30 a.m. 
  • Snooze alarm until 8 a.m. (let's be serious, 8:15 a.m.)
  • Get up, turn on Good Morning America 
  • Get dressed
  • Makeup
  • Breakfast (if there's time) 
  • Leave for work no later than 9:15 a.m.
Without traffic, it only takes about 25 to 30 minutes to get to work, unless I stop and get coffee and breakfast, so usually I end up with about a 10 minute gap before I have to actually clock in, in which case I either sit in my car and check my phone or I go to K-Mart and spend money on things I only think I need.

It wasn't until about a few weeks ago that I realized some things about myself on the way to work, some very crucial things about my personality, that will probably play a major role in my life not only in the next few important years but in the long-term.

I wrote this text to my boyfriend, "So I think I've finally realized a couple of things about myself. I lack motivation, initiative and confidence in my skills which has really prevented me from really pushing myself to find a job."

And those things are definitely true. I haven't pushed myself hard enough to look for a job. And most of the jobs I want to apply for I don't think I'm qualified for, so I don't bother.

Now is the time to change all that. An old manager used to say, "it takes 28 days to make something into a habit." So that's where I'll start. I'll take things one step at a time. One day at a time and see what changes surface.

My newest but also constant endeavor is to lose weight, be healthy and get fit. There was always an excuse about why I couldn't stick to a diet or why my gym visits weren't consistent. One of the more recent excuses was that school was taking up a lot of my time. I told my mom, who will be referred to as "Ruthless" that once school was over and "work" was the only thing on my mind, I could concentrate on it. So that's what I'm gonna do.

First goal of the rest of the year: make working out a habit. My birthday is coming up in like two months, and hopefully I'll be 10 pounds lighter. (Baby steps Grasshopper, baby steps.)


Probably the most logical and important reason to be fit.  

23 July 2012

Hello Out There!

So here I go again, this will be my most recent attempt at blogging. I've gone through quite a few blog addresses and almost as many colleges (I've transferred a lot).  Regardless of my transfers, changed-majors, changed-jobs, one thing has remained - food. I've been infatuated with cooking since my early teenage years and if I ever regret anything in my elderly years, it will be that I didn't go to culinary school.
Enough about what I may or may not regret later in life and onto the present tense.

My name is Ana and I'm going to be 25 soon, and my parents won't let me forget that I'm no longer a kid anymore, but remind me that "I'll always be their baby." This "baby" just graduated college and is now in the "real world." (By the way, if this is the real world then what were the past seven years?)

I majored in Communication with a concentration in Journalism. Do I know what I want to do with it yet? Not at all. My main concern right now career-wise is getting out of the not-so-wonderful world of retail.

I really enjoy editing. I would love to be an editor of a magazine one day, but obviously that takes time, years of experience and connections that I just don't have yet, so until then, I will blog, intern and hope that I find some luck or a fairy godmother that will make me into the editor I want to be someday.

I come from a family with parents who have been happily married for more than 40 years and I hope to one day have the happiness and love and commitment that they share especially after four children and six grandchildren. We are a very tightly knit family, and I've never lived more than a block away from my aunt uncle and cousins my entire life. My cousins are essentially additional siblings that I grew up with and closed the gaps between me and my older siblings. I don't know what I'd do with out the "house across the street."

One of my professors always said that journalism is a profession, it's something that you're constantly learning and something that you need to constantly be doing. Writing is obviously a large part of journalism, so it's something that I should be constantly doing and constantly trying to improve.

My hope is that this blog helps me continue to do that, whether it's writing about what happened to me that day, a new restaurant that my boyfriend and I went to or what I'm currently trying to make time to read, I want to make myself stick to this and be consistent, which is something that I usually have a hard time doing.

I hope that if you're reading this, you will like love it, and that we can be friends.

It's nice to meet you.