24 July 2012

I do my best thinking when I'm driving

My normal morning routine on days that I have work goes a little something like this:

  • Alarm goes off at 7:30 a.m. 
  • Snooze alarm until 8 a.m. (let's be serious, 8:15 a.m.)
  • Get up, turn on Good Morning America 
  • Get dressed
  • Makeup
  • Breakfast (if there's time) 
  • Leave for work no later than 9:15 a.m.
Without traffic, it only takes about 25 to 30 minutes to get to work, unless I stop and get coffee and breakfast, so usually I end up with about a 10 minute gap before I have to actually clock in, in which case I either sit in my car and check my phone or I go to K-Mart and spend money on things I only think I need.

It wasn't until about a few weeks ago that I realized some things about myself on the way to work, some very crucial things about my personality, that will probably play a major role in my life not only in the next few important years but in the long-term.

I wrote this text to my boyfriend, "So I think I've finally realized a couple of things about myself. I lack motivation, initiative and confidence in my skills which has really prevented me from really pushing myself to find a job."

And those things are definitely true. I haven't pushed myself hard enough to look for a job. And most of the jobs I want to apply for I don't think I'm qualified for, so I don't bother.

Now is the time to change all that. An old manager used to say, "it takes 28 days to make something into a habit." So that's where I'll start. I'll take things one step at a time. One day at a time and see what changes surface.

My newest but also constant endeavor is to lose weight, be healthy and get fit. There was always an excuse about why I couldn't stick to a diet or why my gym visits weren't consistent. One of the more recent excuses was that school was taking up a lot of my time. I told my mom, who will be referred to as "Ruthless" that once school was over and "work" was the only thing on my mind, I could concentrate on it. So that's what I'm gonna do.

First goal of the rest of the year: make working out a habit. My birthday is coming up in like two months, and hopefully I'll be 10 pounds lighter. (Baby steps Grasshopper, baby steps.)


Probably the most logical and important reason to be fit.  

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