11 February 2013

Rainy day

It's fairly yucky out this morning, and as the Queen of wearing weather-inappropriate footwear my feet are pretty much wet and nearly soggy. Lovely.

On the bright side, my pants are awesome. They're dark purple with a black scroll-work pattern. Best part about them? I got them for like $13 at Target.

In other news, I lost the weight I gained back last weekend after Superbowl and various food celebrations, so that means I'm down seven pounds this month. Not too shabby. If I keep this rate going by May I should be like 30 pounds lighter.

I've been making time to go to the gym after work and maintaining focus on my diet (for the most part), so I feel pretty good about where I'm at right now.

The Boyfriend and I have decided to make a bet with each other to see who will reach their goal weight first, but we haven't decided on the terms yet. Once decided upon, there will be a new post to be on the lookout for.

But for now the basics are this:
He wants to lose 100 pounds, I want to lose 50. He's already lost around 20 pounds and I've lost seven.

The difference in weight loss between us doesn't discourage me really because I know that as a man, he will lose weight faster than I will, which will just make it that much more gratifying when I beat him in the long run. :)

Either way, win or lose we'll both be healthier, happier and fitter versions of ourselves and that's fine by me.

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