06 February 2013

Seltzer has become my new best friend

I remember the first time I ever tried seltzer water. I was under the age of 10 and at some meeting with my mom. I was thirsty and saw the clear, fizzy liquid on a table with other refreshments and went at it.

Obviously, I was expecting this clear and bubbly bottle to be Sprite. It was not, I was sorely mistaken and disappointed and probably disgusted.

Now that I'm older, I love the stuff. I don't know what happened, but now, and especially with the dieting, I reach for zero-calorie flavored varieties just for the illusion of drinking a soda.

Kudos to me for making wise decisions during my day!

It's the small victories that add up to the big ones.

In other news, I went to the gym yesterday and fully intend on going again today after work which are both fantastic steps in the right direction.

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