01 August 2012

I promised I'd keep this up.

So after my last post I swore to myself that the 25-year-old Ana was going to be a better version than all the others that came before. (Dramatic, I know).

I'm starting this big change with my health and fitness. I'm not one of the disillusioned fat girls that think it's wonderful to be big and that in the state my body is in will lead to lifelong health, but I am comfortable with myself, my body and think everyone is beautiful at every size.. but enough pontificating and let me get back to my point.

I'm pretty much obese. And I can't blame anyone but myself for it. I've been perfectly able to feed myself for quite a while now and its my own fault for feeding myself junk and then being lazy and not doing anything when the needle on the scale started tilting in the wrong direction. I can make excuses all I want, "school is too stressful, there's only fast food in the mall where I work, I'm too tired to go to the store." But let's be serious, its really not that hard to pick up a little cup of yogurt instead of a bag or chips.

So that's my plan: better choices. I don't plan on restricting myself from entire food groups like some diets tell you, I fail instantly if there's any kind of restriction. I've tried it all, low-fat, low-carb, no-carb, no-meat, no-dairy - whatever the diet flavor of the month is I've done it or at least tried it.

I'm also trying to make exercise part of my routine and so far I've been doing ok. Since last Thursday, July 26 I've gone to the gym or worked out in some way, shape or form five out of six days.

I'm on a mission.

I started the Couch to 5K program, and its not too bad. I feel pretty accomplished after each session and do about a mile each time and then if I'm at the gym I'll finagle with the weights and try to do some work on my incredibly noddle-y arms. These 12-inch "guns" are gonna be lean and mean one day, no flabby wings here.

My immediate weight-loss goal is to lose 10 pounds by my birthday which is September 14 and fast approaching. Once I reach my goal I will continue with small incriments that are far less daunting then the overall goal.

My plan is to make realistic goals and take realistic steps toward them. I won't throw out any hard work because I slipped up along the way, I will be level-headed and healthy and if it takes me six months, a year or even 10 years to get to my goal then so be it.
Hopefully you'll be align for the ride. :)

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