12 August 2012

"Are you going to be able to pay for dinners now?"

After months and months of worry that I'd be destined to a life of working in retail, I got a new internship! Thanks to a professor who got the ball rolling and helped with my resume and to a friend already working there putting in a good word or two about me in the mean time, I interviewed last week and got the position!

Finally. Things are turning around and are "as they should be." I only say "as they should be" in the sense that I've graduated college and am not wasting my degree at a dead-end job.

No more weekends. No more late nights. No more customer service problems and trainings.No more fighting for commissions. I. CANNOT. WAIT.

This new position does seem daunting, but if they didn't feel I was qualified, they wouldn't hire me, right?

I'll be making just about the same amount of money as I'm making now, which is fine with me. I'd rather be making less money using my degree than more money working retail.

Of course this means that I will be working early morning, full-time, commuting and driving and sitting at a desk all day, but I don't care. I'm just too excited to actually have a "real job."

When I told "The Boyfriend" about my new job, the first question was, "Are you going to be able to pay for dinners now?" Obviously not. He'll deal.

The position is a 9-month internship at a local newspaper where I'm sure I'll have amassed a wealth of knowledge and experience by the end of it and can find my dream job come June.

In other news, my birthday is coming up and I will hopefully be in California visiting my sister and her fiance the week of my birthday. I hope that we can find an affordable ticket so The Boyfriend can join me, making it a nice dual-birthday vacation for us, since his birthday follows pretty close after mine.

I'm very excited and cannot wait to start working, I'm not delusional, I know it's going to be hard getting used to actually working and acting like an adult, but we all adjust and evolve. It's in our nature.

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