11 February 2013

Rainy day

It's fairly yucky out this morning, and as the Queen of wearing weather-inappropriate footwear my feet are pretty much wet and nearly soggy. Lovely.

On the bright side, my pants are awesome. They're dark purple with a black scroll-work pattern. Best part about them? I got them for like $13 at Target.

In other news, I lost the weight I gained back last weekend after Superbowl and various food celebrations, so that means I'm down seven pounds this month. Not too shabby. If I keep this rate going by May I should be like 30 pounds lighter.

I've been making time to go to the gym after work and maintaining focus on my diet (for the most part), so I feel pretty good about where I'm at right now.

The Boyfriend and I have decided to make a bet with each other to see who will reach their goal weight first, but we haven't decided on the terms yet. Once decided upon, there will be a new post to be on the lookout for.

But for now the basics are this:
He wants to lose 100 pounds, I want to lose 50. He's already lost around 20 pounds and I've lost seven.

The difference in weight loss between us doesn't discourage me really because I know that as a man, he will lose weight faster than I will, which will just make it that much more gratifying when I beat him in the long run. :)

Either way, win or lose we'll both be healthier, happier and fitter versions of ourselves and that's fine by me.

06 February 2013

Seltzer has become my new best friend

I remember the first time I ever tried seltzer water. I was under the age of 10 and at some meeting with my mom. I was thirsty and saw the clear, fizzy liquid on a table with other refreshments and went at it.

Obviously, I was expecting this clear and bubbly bottle to be Sprite. It was not, I was sorely mistaken and disappointed and probably disgusted.

Now that I'm older, I love the stuff. I don't know what happened, but now, and especially with the dieting, I reach for zero-calorie flavored varieties just for the illusion of drinking a soda.

Kudos to me for making wise decisions during my day!

It's the small victories that add up to the big ones.

In other news, I went to the gym yesterday and fully intend on going again today after work which are both fantastic steps in the right direction.


With every new year comes new year's resolutions and my resolutions for 2013 are probably the same as 99.9% of Americans -- lose weight, be financially responsible, be a better person, etc.

The Boyfriend and I have made it a point to lose weight this year, we both feel like we've put on too much "happy fat" and needless to say, it's not making either one of us happy.

We've both been on diets before separately and together. Counting calories, counting carbs, low-fat, low-cal, fat-free and taste-free have been staples in our vocabularies for varying amount of unsuccessful tries.

This time around we're doing it caveman style.

We're both doing the Paleo Diet or at least doing our best with it.

For the past three-ish weeks we've been eating nothing but lean proteins, veggies, fruits, nuts, berries and twigs (just kidding. there have been no twigs).

Giving up bread hasn't been as horrible as it was the last few times that I tried a low-carb diet and I haven't figured out why and I don't know that I care enough to figure it out. What I do know is that it's been working for us and this diet is one that we've actually been able to stick to for the longest amount of time.

Many of the other low-carb diets restrict fruits for either a certain amount of time or just don't allow fruits at all which just always seemed strange to me. Yes I understand that fruits have sugars in them which are carbs, but fruits are also full of so many redeeming qualities that I find it hard to stick to a diet that doesn't encourage eating them.

Granted, many of the paleo websites, blogs and books say that if you're trying to lose weight stray away from too much fruit and nut intake.

So anyway, after the first couple weeks I lost about seven pounds. YAY!

And then this past weekend happened. I wrote an article about a restaurant (which obviously required some research), dinner for The Boyfriend's mother Saturday night and then Super Bowl Sunday. OH THE FRIED, STARCHY, CARBY FOODS... and wings. There were wings too. 

I just about gained any weight back over the weekend and have been kind of slow-rolling getting fully back on track. 

The Boyfriend and I have started a bet with one another. Whoever reaches their goal weight first wins. What they win, we haven't decided yet, but they'll win. He's looking to lose 100 pounds and I'm staring down 50... well 55 including those five I just gained back. 

It's a long road ahead, but I'm going to give it my best and be satisfied in the fact that I'll we'll inevitably be healthier in the end.